Three young friends, Tita (Andréia Horta), Mari (Gianne Albertoni) and Aninha (Fernanda Souza), find themselves facing challenging situations. In search of new paths, they decide to spend a weekend at the beach. On the road, they meet Estrella (Debora Lamm), a hippie, who asks them for a ride to try to find her unknown father. The four girls experience hilarious, absurd, and exciting situations. More than having a brush of fresh air, they change themselves.
Young Adult Comedy
Directed by
Felipe Joffily
Film script
Bruno Mazzeo, João Avelino and
Rosana Ferrão
Produced by
Augusto Casé and Rik Nogueira
Executive production
Augusto Casé
Rik Nogueira and Augusto Casé
Associate producers
Bruno Mazzeo, Andréia Horta, Débora
Lamm, Fernanda Souza, and Gianne Albertoni
Photography director
Marcelo Brasil
Art direction by
Valéria Costa
Costume design by
Renata Russo and Paulo Barbosa Lima
Film editing by
Marcelo Moraes
André Moraes
Original Soundtrack
Pitty and Leoni
Andréia Horta - Tita
Débora Lamm - Estrella
Fernanda Souza - Aninha
Gianne Albertoni - Mari
Laura Cardoso - Abuelita
Lúcio Mauro - Mascarenhas
Louise Cardoso - Mãe de Aninha
Marcelo Tas - Aninha's father
Ellen Rocche - Verônica
Bruno Mazzeo - Vitor
Hermes e Renato - The Jerks
Lucio Mauro Filho - Chiclete com Banana's fan
Leandro Hassum - Police officer
Maria Clara Gueiros - Rita
Dudu Azevedo - Juca
Luis Miranda - Buba
Nelson Freitas - Pablo
Marcos Mion - Cebola
André Mattos - Revolutionist
Thelmo Fernandes - Fisherman
Sérgio Mallandro - Tattoo Artist
Heloísa Périssé - Fortune Teller
Marcelo Adnet - Augusto Henrique
Creo Kellab - Restaurant Attendant