Directed by Paula Fiuza


Paulo Casé is an internationally recognized, award-winning architect from Rio de Janeiro, a designer of contemporary architecture who seeks to reach people's souls with his craft. Passionate about his city, Casé creates his fascinating work inspired by the plastic arts, literature, and music. He has a solid career as a chronicler, in which he reflects on issues of architecture and current urban life, especially in Rio, the city he loves so much.

As well as being a brilliant creator, Paulo Casé is the architect of the urban spectacle, of spontaneous encounters, of the urbanism that provokes coexistence and respect, that raises the level of citizenship and improves the self-esteem of the human being, the central object of his surprising creativity.

The intense life, the obstinate career, the world-renowned work, and the instigating thought of Paulo Casé - one of the greatest minds among the leading intellectuals in Rio de Janeiro - are the main aspects to be addressed in the documentary in question.

This story will be told in the first person, with a comprehensive interview with Casé, testimony of his friends, colleagues and disciples, historical and current images of his life and work, and everything else Casé loves besides architecture: family, art, literature, music, travel, and Rio.


Directed by
Paula Fiuza
Film script
Paula Fiuza
Produced by
Augusto Casé
Executive production
Mariana Muniz
Associate producer
Pri Jansen
Isabela Mota and Patricia Pamplona
Jacques Cheuiche, ABC
Direct sound
Breno Furtado